

I got a chance the other day to sit down having dinner with my father.

And it suddenly occurred to me that although we ate together for quite a few occasions, we had not been able to have the dinner table just to ourselves and we discussed and talked for some time after dinner.

My father is an Elder of our church and he sings the bass wonderfully. Father will turn 68 this year. Many years back, he suffered an unknown disease which started with flu-like symptoms. Not one week after the onset, he became hyperventilated and was admitted to a hospital for treatment. Soon after, he became too weak to even eat or drink and even in his sleep he had to use an oxygen mask to help him breath. The chest X-ray showed a big white patch.

Numerous tests were carried out to identify the disease but to no avail. Fluids were collected to determine if it was a bacterial infection into the lungs – it was negative. Blood tests were done to determine if it could be a systemic infection – negative also. However, results on major organ functions were turning bad. Bottles and bottles of antibiotic (Gentamicin), salt solutions were fed into my father’s veins, and at this stage, he developed jaundice. My father was transferred into the ICU, still breathing with the aid of oxygen mask. We investigated further on hepatitis & typhoid fever but the results were all negative. Repeated tests of suspected disease with incubation period were negative again.

Seeing my father’s laborious breathing condition and deteriorating health, the Specialist treating my father suggested to put him on the ventilator. Being on the ventilator meant that my father will be fully anesthetized, so that the equipment will help him breath and let the body rest. It was at that moment that our family realized how serious my father’s situation was.

After we prayed, we left father to the doctors’ hands. When we were allowed to see him again, he was peacefully sleeping. All we heard was just the beeps of equipments and the breath-in breath-out rhythm of the ventilator.

Friends from church and work, relatives and neighbors came and went. They sent their prayers, food, support and love. We were grateful to them. We practically stayed in the hospital 24hrs. Although I worked in the laboratory attached to the same hospital, I had to take leave as I needed to be around my father. I only went into the office to check the blood test results.

One Saturday night, his vital signs suddenly turned really bad and the ward called a few Specialists to perform emergency procedure to save my father’s life. I did not know of this at first, one of the Specialists told me a few days later.

When I saw father again on the Sunday after the emergency, his conditions had stabilized and from then on, he gradually improved and the ventilator was taken away. He started to breath normally again, the lung X-rays cleared. I just thought God had answered our prayers, and my father was getting better. At this time, almost 10 days after admitting into hospital, we got his Widal Weil-Felix results with high titre shown for Weil-Felix test – an indication of significant antibody rise in respond to Rickettsial infection.

The following days were filled with joy, to see father smile, saying a few words softly because the tube used to help his breathing somehow hurt the soft tissues in his throat. On the day my father was to be transferred back to general observation room, a Urologist who attended the same church happened to be visiting and he helped push my father’s bed all the way from ICU and helped shave my father’s face clean. All the nurses were so surprise as to why this patient is so special to deserve the service of this Urologist who is well known for his non-compromising ways.

It was later when I recalled what the Specialist said about the emergency on Saturday night, that I realized it was the Good Friday-Easter weekend when it happened. I have always felt that what my father went through during that incident symbolized what Christ had gone through when he was crucified on the cross.

It brought a whole new meaning to me on what Resurrection really is.

Today we are not able to feel how Jesus went through those moments of suffering under the ridicule and injustice of men, and then he was nailed on the cross, died, buried and descended into hell. But He rose victoriously on the third day, conquering death and brought us hope of salvation and eternal life. These are not something we deserve but because of love, we can own them if we want to.

It took me more than 10 years, to actually sit down and write this experience. I wanted to do this before I turn old and forgetful and I must thank all those who had helped us and prayed for us whenever we were in need. God bless.

7 条评论:

  1. 十多年走来,相信顺利的日子是多过困难的日子,甜蜜多过痛苦,每件事对信徒来说都有上帝的美意,就如在我们成长的过程中我们会经历顺境也有跌破头的时候,在经历的时候会感到受保护被爱,也会感到孤单被遗弃,现在回首会发觉这些经历对每个人来说是必须的,一切的经历都是帮助我们成长,更深认识那位拯救我们的神。
    两年前带了一家大小离开生活了几十年的马来西亚来到美国东北的一个小镇,虽然人生地不熟,有好多的东西需要去学习和适应,现在回想,上帝的带领奇妙,祂的恩典够用,诗艷在她的blog seeyeem.blogspot.com 写了蛮多我们在美国的点点滴滴。

  2. 说得也是,感受痛苦时却在多年后才晓得那其实是得到。这种得失的感觉会有那么大的落差,应该是跟我们的年龄,也就是我们的经历有关吧。

  3. 这些见证和生活上的经历是很个人的感受,我未必能体会你的情况,你也许不会感受我内心当时的焦虑。是否每一个基督徒都会面对生活上的困难或身体上的疾病,才可以领悟上帝的带领和知道是上帝的恩典呢?为什么当时的无助和彷徨的感觉,过后我们会说是恩典呢?


  4. 其实我是觉得我们相信上帝只有一个意义,得救恩。我从来都不同意当与人分享福音时说信上帝后,上帝会赐我们平安啦,喜乐啦。。。那请问,有一天这位刚信主的发生什么事情后,他会倒回来问你,当初你不是说上帝赐平安吗?你又开始解释什么上帝让事情发生有上帝的美意啦,基督徒也有苦难啦。。。他又问你,上帝赐喜乐吗?为何耶稣给人的印象都没有喜乐的感觉?圣经有那里告诉我们耶稣很喜乐?你又开始解释什么耶稣心里很喜乐。。。



  5. 信仰或是自己與上帝的关系真的是一件非常个人的事情。其中的感受真的是如鱼饮水,冷暖自知呀。

  6. 每个人信主的经历都不尽相同,多半是因为神在我们或身边的人行了一些奇妙的事。这些经历都是真实和主观的但却不是信仰的全部,我们必须追求成长,离开基督道理的开端,亲身在生活中去体验神所应许那丰盛的生命。从信主到见主面是一条漫长的人生道路,基督徒必须经历人生的甜酸苦辣,也在这些经历中学习感恩,信靠,顺服的功课,让神的生命,圣灵的果子从我们生命中流露出来。

  7. 耶稣降生的那一夜,天使天兵赞美神说:(路加2:14)“在至高之处荣耀归与神!在地上平安归与他所喜悦的人!”受难之前,耶稣说:(约3:3-7)“我实实在在地告诉你,人若不重生,就不能见神的国。。人若不是从水和圣灵生的,就不能进神的国。。我说:你们必须重生。。”(约10:10)“。。我来了,是要叫羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛。”(约14:27)“我留下平安给你们;我将我的平安赐给你们。。”(约15:11)“这些事我已经对你们说了,是要叫我的喜乐存在你们心里,并叫你们的喜乐可以满足。”(约16:33)“我将这些事告诉你们,是要叫你们在我里面有平安。在世上,你们有苦难;但你们可以放心,我已经胜了世界。”耶稣复活之后,常对爱祂的人说:“愿你们平安!”




